Tag team wrestling IS the fucking best. Also, another excellent essay Mith. Wonderful use of repetition. My favourite live wrestling experience involves Steen and Generico at Death Before Dishonor VIII in 2010, near the end of their ROH story, so I'm getting ahead of the story. Another example of flipping expectations and conventions however, as always, from those two.

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You were at Death Before Dishonor VIII?? Man, what a match that was, honestly. One of my favorite essays I've ever written is about a small moment in the middle of that match, a confrontation with a fan. Now I want to re-watch it...

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You have a gift for finding the small moments, Mith! The match was absolutely fantastic. The surprise, and the intensity of Generico of all people demanding the match open the show and not main event it. The surprise of Steen & Generico brawling to interrupt the intermission, followed by a "ring announcer's tie-choking" spot in the weeks following Danielson's NXT incident. It changed my perspective of what was possible during a live show (not surprisingly, Colt Cabana also proved to be a master of interacting with a crowd that night).

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