May 4, 2023Liked by Mithen

"What you find are a bunch of free matches on YouTube and promos labeled things like “Funny Generico promo” with no date at all" Yep, that was me. I had seen wrestling before.Hhonestly, i think i´ve seen wrestling since i was a child. I had moments when i truly enjoyed, another ones i wasn´t able to see it because my tv wasn´t nice enough to show it, but then, well, your grow up and find that there´re another ways. Anyway, wrestling had become just a routine til as i became a fan (once again, more than ever, maybe) with Samy´s storyline in NXT. But yeah, i only got some messy timeline and i thought: okay, atleast i can follow him/them since now.

Btw, i´ve laughed out loud reading this: The "Oh no. OH NO" and then, Kevin being less aggressive and more resigned with El G´ hugs and Generico´s total absence of good judgement teaming again and again with Kevin. And i´ve seen also a bear in the ring. What else?! :D

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