It’s been a while since I’ve done a book update here! The publication process has slowed down somewhat, not for bad reasons—the manuscript is completed, the art is done—but because we’re making sure everything is as accurate and insightful as possible. Please be patient, I think it will be worth the wait!
In the meantime, here’s a description from Chapter 9 of the main characters in the ring when Kevin and El Generico won the Ring of Honor tag team titles back in 2008 against the Age of the Fall: Jimmy Jacobs and Tyler Black. You may know the latter better as the Visionary, the Revolutionary, Seth Freaking Rollins.
This, by the way, is why it made deep-cut sense for Sami to go to Seth for help against the Bloodline, implausible as the alliance might seem—he and Seth go way, way back, further back than he does with almost anyone else on the roster.
Ring of Honor thoughtfully posted the whole match on YouTube, and it’s worth a watch: one of the absolute highlights of Kevin and El Generico’s careers.
Well written! Looking forward to your book.
I like your tie-in here with Rollins and Sami. As a stickler to logic in my suspensions of belief in wrestling, this was one detail I missed. Look forward to reading the book when it's released!